Managing communications in labor re-structuring processes: 10 keys to avoiding errors

When a corporation has to tackle the re-structuring of labor, a common result is a negative impact on their reputation, regardless of how justified this measure may be. Managing communications thus plays a key role in these cases both as a tool to facilitate the negotiation process and in seeking to minimize the impact of the whole process.

In these cases, moreover, conditioning factors may come together to further exacerbate the situation, which may affect the corporation’s reputation as well as the normal functioning of the business itself.

When facing these situations, there are certain key issues worth taking into account to avoid errors that are frequently made in managing communications. This article reviews 10 of these keys which include, for example, the need for alignment with the legal strategy, the suitability of having materials and scenarios already in mind and prepared and the need to maintain a willingness to negotiate throughout the process.


Luis González
Alba García

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